This Tecsonic Super Jumbo J-1 boombox was made famous in Spike Lee’s movie “Do The Right Thing”. The character Radio Raheem in the movie carried this boom box around with him at all times blasting Public Enemy’s song “Fight the Power”. Radio Raheem’s box was badged as a Promax but it is exactly the same box as the Tecsonic. I believe it was also rebadged as an Intersound J747. The Super Jumbo isn’t that well made and is light for its size but it has classic 80’s styling and fairly cool light displays.

Made in South Korea the Super Jumbo features dual 8″ woofers as well as a pair of mid range speakers and a pair of tweeters. It could get very loud. It also has a 10 band EQ, Digital LED clock, three beat buttons, 4 band radio and a karaoke sing a long feature. The digital clock is something you don’t see on too many boomboxes. The J-1 is a large boombox measuring in at 31 inches long and 16 1/2 inches high and weighs in at around 25 pounds. As you can see it has two cassette players as well as a Marantz style horizontal tuning wheel. I believe it put out 20 watts per channel.

Given its iconic status as a famous movie prop the Super Jumbo J-1 is very popular with collectors. Plus it’s one of the larger boxes of the time and collectors , for the most part, feel that bigger is better. In good cosmetic condition and fully functional these boomboxes sell for over $1000.00. One recently (8-2012) sold for $1250.00. So, obviously these are at the higher end of the price spectrum for vintage boomboxes. They’re fairly difficult to find as well which contributes to their high price.
Any idea where can I buy this boombox ?
Tecsonic J-1 Super Jumbo
Lasonic TRC-975
Many Thanks !!
I have one for sale, ricol27@msn.com
Olá, tenho interesse, pode me passar mais informações, por gentileza?! +5511979928249 (WhatsApp)
— Hello, I’m interested, can you send me more information, please?! +5511979928249 (WhatsApp)
Tienes un tecsonic j1
I have one, fully functional vintagevenny@gmail.com
I have one fully functional in great condition email me paulpaora1989@gmail.com
Salve, io ne ho 1
Mi può contattare se ancora interessato al numero ±39 3533960340
I just found one at eBay took a chance and bought it Just like it says these are hard to find. The guy said he found the boombox in a auction This time I was the lucky one.
I have a fully functional good condition Tecsonic J1. If anyone wants to buy it.
Hi Kevin , how are you? I know I’m writing you probably late but i was wondering if you still had your Radio? if so would you like to sell it? I love this radio but it is so hard to find. My email is ceemee485@gmail.com
Thanks Kevin
Is it still available?
Io ne ho 1. Se interessato può contattarmi al numero +39 3533960340
Is it still available and 100% functional?
Thanks and standing by.
Where & how do you buy this? Cost?
Hi, I have Tectonic Super Jumbo. I want to sell it. I live far away from You (I think so) I am from Poland…. If anyone wants to buy it – my email: kuba-luzik at o2.pl
Hi hey Kuba I want one tectonic super jumbo what have price This is my e-mail viperplus35 at outlook.com send your price bye.
Kevin do you still have the j-1 jumbo?
Hi, I’ve got Tectonic Super Jumbo for sale. My email kuba-luzik at o2.pl, I can send more picture and video to email.
I got the promax like new.
How many batteries pls?
20 mo********, 20!
How many you say!
Would love to purchase thus boombox, actually was stationed in south Korea camp Hovey in 1987, purchased one new and ended up selling it to another soldier, the thing you regret when you get older, so if anyone know where I can find one to purchase let me know,thanks.
Buonasera, io ne ho uno . Se interessa questo è il mio numero ±39 3533960349 whatsapp
I’m planning to sell my Tecsonic J-1 Super Jumbo :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULo5opTowZc&feature=youtu.be
Eric, Still have that J-1?
I have one for sell in very good condition you can e mail for good price mrchub94 at Gmail. com
I have one that I would like to sell. It needs some clean up but was not abused just enjoyed!
Hi Preston
I’m Clarence from Brooklyn, New York how are you? I would like to know if you still had your Radio for sale? If so how much for it? I am looking to buy one. My email is; ceemee485@gmail.com. thanks
I find and buy one in italy, but is named LARSEN Q-100 Super Jumbo, I search on internet and i find photo with other names. You know why?
Hi…im looking for one..hit me up..im in california..give me price and a picture of it…i had a gold one back in 1986..love to own one again…
Io ne ho uno se ancora interessato. ±39 353 396 0340 whatsapp
To contact me quicker heres my #4086651275…txt me what you got…thx..
Io ho 1 Larsen Super Jumbo modello Q-100
Se ancora interessato può ricontattami al numero +39 3533960340
Witam, mam w domu dwa TESCONIC J-1 Super Jumbo, chce je sprzedac, niestety nie mam odniesienia w internecie, moze mi pomozecie lub znajdzie sie ktos chetny na kupno
Piotrek..are u selling a boombox..
Hi Erin Shin..do u still have yours..lmk..email me novaman6@yahoo.com….anyone can email me if anyone has one forsale..
Hi Preston…im interested in your boombox..how a bout some pics plz….
I have this Boombox in good condition to sell if someone want send email to me outsiderta2 at gmail.com ;]
Im from Poland but i can send this.
Mam tego Boombox’a w dobrej kondycji do sprzedania jeśli ktoś jest zainteresowany kupnem proszę pisać do mnie na email outsiderta2 at gmail.com
I have one for sale includes the box if any one is interested for 1700. u can email me at yetanotheremailhh at yahoo.com
I can send pictures
Hi Heather, My name is Clarence from Brooklyn, New York. I would like to know if you still have your radio? if so would you be selling and for how much? My email is ceemee485@gmail.com
Ciao io ne ho una 1
Salve ho uno jumbo se qualcuno è interessato mi faccia sapere
Hi, I have the same ghettoblaster, but need some spare parts for the tape decks. The left deck is not working (motor makes noise) and the right one is playing too fast. Do you know which manufacturer the decks are? Maybe I can take some parts from another deck?
my name is Adam I am in Chicago …have one working condition Tecsonic Super Jumbo J-1 , Intersound J747,, email me toptalkposts at gmail.com
Want 2 buy
Io ne ho 1 se interessa numero whatsapp +39 3533960340
I’m looking for one if anyone has one. Must be working!
Hey Mr. Chris or any one else I got a pro max super jumbo I just recently decided to sell it’s pretty good condition does have somewhere the dial faceplate is just kind of tacked on there could you some new adhesive and one of the cassette carriages it’s kind of just flopping around Other That it could probably use a really good cleaning and someone with some technical abilities to freshen up the inside I’ve had it for 10+ years and I’ve never opened it up and it never let me down
Where are you?
Like to see it..
Still like to see it..
I have a good condition fully functional Tecsonic Super Jumbo J-1 boombox if any one is interested msg me at christiancruz275 at gmail.com and I’ll send you pictures
Hy there,
I am looking for a Proimax J 1 in good condition and working 100%.
Will pay collectors price… + shipping to Germany.
Matthias (madevi@t-online.de)
Hi I have one of those 80’s Giants for sell is in perfect condition, no schratches, evrything work except one kasette is no spining (propably little gummy go off from old) after that evrything is perfect especially how its sounds :)) ..got no orginal box for it but still wanted nice price to give up on him my email:
Im from Poland
I have one in perfect condition!! Facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009910576888
Tecsonic Promax Super Jumbo J-1 For sale, note I am in Illinois for shipping.
Email: huntergabriel1@gmail.com
i d love on all working used-
bobscratchuk at yahoo.com
I have a techsonic superjumbo i will sell e mail me kingjayprice1985@gmail.com
Hey guys don’t not lose I just will not buy because I already bought a sale model at an auction on eBay only 99 dollars tecsonic J-1
I’m selling my Promax J-1 on ebay if anyone is interested. HERE
Hi all ..
I have a mint condition Tecsonic Super Jumbo J-1 up for grabs . I live in Manitoba Canada. Feel free to email me to discuss further details. This beauty is not one in a million. It’s more of a once in a lifetime treasure that your ears will thank you for !
Still looking, anyone got one for sale, need to see it first.
I emailed you Nita, let me know.
Nita, coming out this week, around?
There is one for sale on trade me in NZ
Hi my name is rickie Cole how can I buy one of these radio do they still make this tip of boombox were can I get one from thankyou rickie Cole tectonic j-1 super boombox
I have tecsonic J-1 super jumbo too sell! I from Poland write to my email : chrashiibs@gmail.com or text me at the whatsapp: +48 602 683 809
hello i have jumbo ics str-5099 classic radio i am selling my e-mail 1muratpolatbey@gmail.com