Hitachi TRK-9100

Hitachi TRK-9100

This Hitachi TRK-9100 isn’t a big boombox nor is it an iconic collector’s box. But, it’s a good little entry level boombox with plenty of features. Probably its main feature is that it has two detachable speakers so it’s actually a three piece box.  There are small compartments on the back of each speaker that hold the speaker connector cables.

Hitachi TRK-9100

The Hitachi TRK-9100 was made in 1983 here with the W designation and in Europe with the E designation. It’s a pretty loud box for its size though some claim it lacks in the bass department. As you can see it’s a single cassette box with a 3 band graphic equalizer, loudness and tape functions and four radio bands.

Hitachi TRK-9100

These small Hitachi’s aren’t all that popular with collectors and you can find pretty nice examples of them for around $50.00.

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4 thoughts on “Hitachi TRK-9100

  1. i got one of these (Hitachi TRK-9100E) in precise condition, my brother got it from my caterloge book back in 1984, just before he took his own life 🙁 i kept it as a momento of him, it has been wrapped up and stored in my loft.

    1. Maggie, I had one of these between the ages of 14-17… I LOVED IT… It would mean so much to me to have one again… It was a HUGE PART OF MY TEEN YEARS. Is there any way I could convince you to sell it to me? I would do anything, in return, to honor your brother + I would be willing to give you $500 dollars. I could get it engraved and would treat it with care and never let it get scratched. I would give me such joy on a daily basis, your brother would always be remembered by me.

      Cincinnati, Ohio

  2. I just bought a Hitachi TRK 9150 – looks like a military radio. Very cool look. Needs some TLC and will get it. And just ran across a GE 3-5266 in original box. The seller never used it, the box is still wrapped in cellophane

  3. I have a hitachi trk 9000w boom box with detachable speakers bought 1983 in Japan. I can’t find another listed anywhere! Single tape deck not working but amp input and radio still sound brilliant ! Looking to sell.

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