Ok, so styling isn’t a strong point with this boombox. Definitely one of the uglier boomboxes I’ve seen – and I’ve seen a lot. This is the Philips D 8303 MDHQ 5 Speaker System boombox. It actually has a few few different manifestations as I’ve seen it badged as a Magnavox D8300 as well. It also comes in different color schemes including green, yellow and white.
Those who have owned it claim it sounds really good and has a couple cool features such as continuous play from Tape A to Tape B. From what I’ve seen the yellow versions seem to be the most common but are also the most in demand.

A Philips D8303 or Magnavox D8300 will sell for anywhere from $50.00 in average condition up to $200.00 for a box in excellent working condition. The Philips versions seem to fetch a little more then the Magnavox versions and the yellow ones go for a little more then the other colors.
This thing rocked my world when I was given it for my birthday in the mid 1980’s. I didn’t think it was ugly at all and still like it today.
It came with a belt so you could hang it around your neck. But it was a heavy beast so I only did this once or twice.
It did sound great btw. I remember exactly how pleased I was the first time I played a tape on it. It was Van Halen’s 5150.
MDHQ stood for Multi Drive High Quality. Whatever that meant…
Thanks for the comment and info Funky! Yeah, I suppose all boomboxes are good looking in their own way. You’re right, I’ve seen a couple of them that sold with the strap. Multi Drive High Quality huh? Sounds impressive!
i have one of these with all lights. What is it worth.
i also have a like new Vela disco lite
I have a general sound music dance (huge)
Oh yes! Christmas 1987. The album I got with it was Diesel and Dust by Midnight Oil. The looks were a bit take it or leave it but the sound was pretty bloody good!
just scored one of these it has an aux in but no aux switch on top can any one let me know how or what the switch situation is ?
Same problem fo gerrard, How can i hear the AUX IN?
I think I remember that you must use record on Deck B for it to use signal. I had an empty cassette shell that I would pop in and use to trick the machine. That way I could play CDs through it. Try that.