I think this is easily one of the best looking boomboxes out there. It’s the Sharp GF-1000 and is part of the famous Sharp four woofer family of boomboxes including the GF-767, GF-777, and GF-999. It was only offered for sale in Japan in the early 1980’s so it is very rare to find one in the U.S. While it looks good with the cobalt blue speaker grills on, it looks even better with them off.

The white speaker cones and chrome dustcaps really stand out and give it a sophisticated and clean look. The GF-1000 has four 16cm woofers and two horn tweeters. It also has two cassette decks both capable of playing normal, chrome and metal cassettes.

It features:
- 29.6 x 14.9 x 6.5 inches
- AM/FM Stereo Radio-Tape Recorder
- Double-Cassette deck
- APSS (Auto Program Search System)
- Normal, Metal, Chrome Tape Capability
- 30-18000Hz (Metal)
- Speakers: 2x 160mm Woofer, 2x 160mm Sub-Woofer, 2x Horn Type
- Power Source: DC 15V or 10 “D” battery
- Weight 28 lb

It has a four-channel power amplifier with adjustable bi-amping and Per-channel power control for super-woofers. Another interesting aspect of the GF-1000 is that it’s FM tuning range is from 76MHz to 108MHz which is not normal for a domestic Japanese boombox as their FM dial only reaches 90MHz.

Here’s a video of the Sharp GF-1000 in action:
thank for you sharing this informative post
OMG!! that looks like it could take off into orbit. You cannot touch the boom boxes from the 80s. And cassette tech. Loved them so much. Nowadays everything is high tech and high memory storage. But somethings been lost.
The warm hands on feel of cassettes. Being able to record music on the fly from multiple sources and have you own music on the same cassette if you’re a musician as the artists that inspire you.
What’s the difference between sharp gf909 and gf1000? Thanks
HI, Mustaq. There is minor difference between gf909, 999, 9191 and 1000, like absence or presence of different functions.
Prosím je to k prodeji?Koupil bych jej za 4000,- CZK.Nabídněte sbírám SHARP GF DOUBLE DECK VLASTNĚ JAKÉKOLIV DOUBLE DECKY ALE JEN S UMÍSTĚNÝMI DECKY V ROHU NAHOŘE BOOMBOXU.Můj tel.:608951134
bonjour, quel est la musique de cette vidéo ?
What sort of price could I expect for a Sharpe 9494 boom box? It’s in average condition but brilliant sound still. The radio works but the tape deck is chewing tapes.
Here are the last few sales on eBay…
$225.00 +$100.00 shipping
Jun 27, 2020
SHARP GF 9494 Boombox Ghettoblaster
$150.00 +$110.00 shipping
Mar 15, 2021
Sharp GF 9494 Ghettoblaster Boombox
$150.00 +$62.30 shipping
Oct 4, 2020
SHARP GF-9494 Stereo Boombox
$115.00 +$70.00 shipping
Oct 21, 2020
Sharp GF 9494 Ghettoblaster Boombox
$110.00 +$36.70 shipping
Oct 15, 2020
Sharp GF 9494 Ghettoblaster Boombox Tape Not Working
$95.00 +$30.00 shipping
Jul 29, 2020
Also, the GF-9494X model sells for a little more….
Sharp GF 9494X Ghettoblaster Boombox FULL WORKING CONDITION
May 1, 2020
BOOMBOX SHARP GF-9494X Vintage Works Well
$475.00 +$125.00 shipping
Feb 15, 2021
Sharp GF 9494X Ghettoblaster Boombox Cassette 22W
Fixed Price $190.00 +$90.00 shipping
Anybody still working on this website this decade?